A little welcome message

  -and a bit of social experiment.

Hey buttercakes,

Well, this is scary for me. I have gotten back to writing..yay. 😑😪

I really don't know why I stopped writing but I remember I used to be a very vocal person online until poof..I disappeared. I stopped blogging. Stopped sharing my opinions. I was a ghost pretty much.

Now, I probably have a slight disdain for social media, because of how impersonal and cluttered it can get sometimes.

So why am I doing this? 

Even with cold feet and sweaty palms. Three things.

  1. I have been doing a lot of email marketing and copywriting and I have picked up quite a few things. 😌 So why not try out a little social experiment. Why not?🙃

  2. "You want to feel happier? Create." These words by ChubaEzeks on Instagram stood out to me. So here's small steps to a happier life by creating and not just consuming.

  3. Sometimes with how serious work, school and life can get, I feel like I no longer have an outlet to let go, space to breathe or a "safe" place, to simply rant.

So here goes nothing right?

And I know I am new to this but I want to bring love to your inbox weekly and I'm happy you are here.

I hope you stay too.



P.s. Here's a cute picture of me🙈

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I write about things I'm curious about to make my life seem more interesting & happier than it is.


A content marketing & copywriting human who is geeked about really good emails.